Hemp Knight Beer
After receiving 'best hemp product of the show' at the Hemp expo in London when it was launched on 14th-16th of November, Hemp knight beer has gone one step further after Kirsten Jenkinson, director of Yorkshire hemp, received a noble aproval for the only Hemp Beer in the UK at the Speciality Fine food Fair in Glasgow!
The Hemp Knight Beer is a Pale Ale brewed using enviornmentally sound ingredients, avoiding pesticides and artificial fertilizers. It is a natural, handcrafted beer brewed to the highest standard by Little Valley Brewery in Yorkshire
Hemp Knight; fighting for a healthy, sustainable, enviornmentally friendly, carbon neutral future!
The Hemp Knight Beer is now available to buy on our online shop
January 2010
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June 2010
Yorkshire Hemp is to launch High Mountain Hemp Coffee at the Caffe...more
February 2010
Paul & Kirsten, directors of Yorkshire Hemp LTD celebrating their 21st...more
Hemp Knight Beer
January 2010
Hemp Knight Beer receives noble aproval at the Speciality food fair in...more
Hemp Building Symposium
16-18th September 2009
Yorkshire Hemp will be attending the 1st International Hemp Building S...more
Shows that Yorkshire Hemp will be attending in 2010...more