
- Hemp is an excellent substitute for wood in the paper industry.

- Hemp is a fast growing and renewable crop that can be harvested every three to four months. -Forests take decades to regenerate. On average, one hectare of hemp produces the same amount of usable fibre as three to four hectares of forest. In other words, planting one hectare of land with hemp saves destroying three or four hectares of forest.

The Greenhouse Effect:

- Hemp is very effective in absorbing carbon dioxide, one of the principal greenhouse gases.

- Combined with its potential to reduce deforestation, cultivating hemp is extremely efficient in reducing the Greenhouse Effect.

The Use of Hemp Paper:

- Hemp provides a renewable resource for the production of the cellulose used in paper manufacturing.

- Hemp paper is stronger and more durable than wood based papers because of its longer and stronger fibres.

- Hemp paper does not suffer from the usual age related yellowing of wood derived papers, and has a shelf life of up to 1500 years.


- A wide range of textiles are made from hemp.

- New technology has made possible the manufacture of cloth outstanding in its texture and versatile.

- Compared to cotton, hemp fibres are longer, stronger, more durable and more absorbent.

- They also block out more UV rays and are more resistant to mildew.

- These properties make hemp extremely useful for a wide range of textiles, including clothing, mattresses, linens, wall coverings, upholstery, artist's canvas, sails, and tarpaulins.

- Rot resistant maritime ropes and netting, as well as cords, twine, thread and carpet can also be made.

The Use of Hemp Industry/Energy:

- Hemp can be converted to same wide variety of products as wood based raw materials: plastics, particleboard, explosives, etc.

- The seed oil is suitable for non toxic paints and varnishes, as well as lubricating oils.

- Hemp biomes can be compressed into bricks and burnt as fuel for electricity plants. It is also ideal for producing ethanol fuel an environmentally safer substitute for gasoline in vehicles.

- When mixed with water and lime, hemp can be turned into a building material stronger and lighter than concrete, with good sound and thermal insulation properties.

- After the best fibres are removed for paper or fabric production, a large proportion of the hemp stem is left over: the hurds.

- Hemp hurds look like wood chips, but are much lighter and extremely absorbent: they can soak up five times their own weight in moisture.

- Therefore the hurds can be used as a cat litter and animal bedding (race horses) after which they degrade very quickly into compost.

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